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I added a few new features today!

The 'tags.php' page now allows the visitor to view all tags. Each tag title is now linked back to the index page which calls up all related blog entries

this is progress!



work php web programming site

this game is pure joy

and what a soundtrack :)



ps2 jak and daxter soundtrack

I <3 Limb

2/12/2017 1:45:16 PM

Limb are a Metal Band from the UK.

I met one of their member on a Critical Mass cycle ride in Brighton.

Obsessed with their self-titled album for a while, when I was cycling in to work at Estee-lauder in Fareham. It was an hour each way, roughly, and this is the perfect music to ease the pain of cold wind burning your ears, or the feeling of rain seeping through your socks on a cold winters evening.


limb metal