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'The Unbelievable Truth' is a comedy show on BBC Radio 4.

The premise is to read a pre-prepared list of statements (only 5 of them are factual) on a subject. The reader gets a point for every true statement smuggled past the other contestants. If one of the other contestants *buzz* in and correctly identify a lie, they gain a point.

It's quit a lot like QI.

I find it's the perfect mix between information and entertainment, hitting a perfect sweet spot that many programmes lead by David Mitchell achieve.


radio bbc the unbelievable truth david mitchell

Woking, Woking

2/10/2017 9:50:20 AM

This is what you can see from Woking Train Station, Woking.

I got totally distracted by this white building set between the tracks. I assume it's an old signalling station or something.

whatever it is, the signage is great and the curves on that thing are beautiful



woking national rail uk

Last year when I was working for Neural at the office in Petersfield, UK...

I took these sunrise photos as I walked to the office after camping at 'the pub with no name'

Timestamp on these images is 14 ‎December ‎2016, ‏‎08:45... so I was probably running late for work. I always am.



petersfield hampshire morning sunrise

And I'm super sad they are gone now :( I only just found out!



sad the knife